Insight Central Sulawesi


From lake Poso you can choose to explore the incredible national park Lore Lindu, south east of Palu, that includes the valleys of Bada, Besoa and Napu which are home to the most impressive megaliths of Indonesia. Just like Stonehenge in England or the Giant Heads on Easter Islands it is unknown who built them or why. Lore Lindu expands over a surface of 229.000 ha. The forests of the park are the domain of endemic anoas, babiroesas, musangs, makaka, couscous and deer. In the valleys and around the lakes a large variety of birds can be spotted. From Central Sulawesi it is relatively easy to reach the Togean Islands in the Gulf of Tomini, an archipelago in the middle of Sulawesi consisting of 56 islands and islets.

Learn more about our Insight Central Sulawesi tours:

Interested in really getting to know the culture and people of Indonesia? Or are you looking for that hidden paradise that can only be reached on foot or by bicycle? Our Insight tours are our signature tours of a few days that will give you a taste of the real spirit of Indonesia. Combine Insight tours with the Discover tour of your destination to go off the beaten track, but not forgetting to visit the more known, but equally interesting sights.

These tours are only examples, the program will be tailor made to your wishes for an unforgettable travel experience. For more information, please contact us.

Central Sulawesi tour

Combine the Central Sulawesi Tour with our Insight Central Sulawesi tours to learn more about 'the real spirit of Indonesia'

Gain more insight in other destinations:

Insight Lore Lindu: Bada & Besoa Valley

Bada Valley
Lake Lindu
Togean Islands

Central Sulawesi 10
Central Sulawesi 2
Central Sulawesi 3
Central Sulawesi 1
Central Sulawesi 9
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Tour itinerary Insight Bada & Besoa Valley


Day 1: By jeep from Tentena to Bada, walks
Day 2: Jungle trekking, overnight in forest
Day 3: Jungle trekking to Besoa valley
Day 4: Exploring Besoa valley
Day 5: Besoa Valley to Palu, Togean or Tentena

tour themes

  • wildlife
  • adventure
  • nature

highlights bada & besoa valley

  • jeep rides through the greenest surroundings

    • Due to the bad road conditions you will get to the Bada Valley by jeep, but still keep in mind it will be a bumpy road. The Bada Valley consists of a stunning landscape with green rice fields, small streams, rivers and a surrounding area of mountains and tropical rainforests.
  • bada valley megaliths

    • In the valley you find dozens of megaliths, which are estimated to be 1.000-5.000 years old. They are carved in abstract style in human or animal form. The largest megalith of the Bada is almost 5 meters high. Together with a guide you can explore the scattered statues in the valley.
  • 2 day jungle trek and overnight

    • You head in the afternoon into the forest to look for wild animals. During dusk and dawn you have the most chance to spot wildlife as the animals awaken from their sleeps and start to get ready for their daily (or nightly) activities. You will overnight in the forest, in a pondok underneath a mosquito net. A spectacular experience as the sounds surrounding you change every moment!
  • besoa valley megaliths

    • In the Besoa Valley you will visit the megaliths as well. These are however quite different from the ones in the Bada Valley as they are covered in inscriptions.

Insight Lore Lindu: Bada Valley

Bada & Besoa Valley
Lake Lindu
Togean Islands

Central Sulawesi 4
Central Sulawesi 5
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Tour itinerary Insight Bada Valley


Day 1: By jeep from Tentena to Bada, walks
Day 2: Exploring Bada valley
Day 3: Bada - Tentena; forest walk

tour themes

  • wildlife
  • adventure
  • nature

highlights bada valley

  • jeep rides through the greenest surroundings

    • Due to the bad road conditions you will get to the Bada Valley by jeep, but still keep in mind it will be a bumpy road. The Bada Valley consists of a stunning landscape with green rice fields, small streams, rivers and a surrounding area of mountains and tropical rainforests.
  • bada valley megaliths

    • In the valley you find dozens of megaliths, which are estimated to be 1.000-5.000 years old. They are carved in abstract style in human or animal form. The largest megalith of the Bada is almost 5 meters high. Together with a guide you can explore the scattered statues in the valley and overnight in a simple guesthouse nearby.
  • morning walk forest

    • The following morning you walk into the tropical rainforest to spot wildlife before heading back to Tentena from where you can continue your journey.

Insight Lore Lindu: Lake Lindu

Bada & Besoa Valley
Bada Valley
Togean Islands

Central Sulawesi 6
Central Sulawesi 6
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Tour itinerary Insight Lake Lindu


Day 1: Palu to village
Day 2: Jungle trekking
Day 3: Trekking to Lake Lindu; boattrip
Day 4: Lake Lindu to Napu valley
Day 5: Birding; car to Tentena, Palu or Ampana

tour themes

  • wildlife
  • local life
  • locallife
  • nature
  • birding

highlights lake lindu

  • 3 day trek

    • This tour consists of a 3 days trekking to villages and jungle and the exploring of the megaliths in the Napu Valley. Starting in Palu you will be driven to a local village where the trekking begins.
  • sleep in the forest and in a local home

    • Encounter wild animals in the forest and sleep basically in the jungle. Meals are prepared on the way by your guides or you dine with the locals in the small villages. It is a beautiful, adventurous way to explore an area where not many tourists have gone before.
  • boating lake lindu

    • You will walk around 6 hours a day. Included is also a relaxing boat trip on the lake from where you have beautiful views on the surroundings.
  • megaliths of the napu valley

    • The Napu Valley will be explored by car and on foot. Here you find megaliths which differ from the ones in the Bada and Besoa Valleys as they have neither arms nor headbands.
  • birding

    • The vast plains of the Napu Valley is also home to a great variety of birds which you can spot before heading to one of the towns from where you depart to the next destination.

Extension: Togean Islands

Bada & Besoa Valley
Bada Valley
Lake Lindu

Central Sulawesi 7
Central Sulawesi 8
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Tour itinerary Togean Islands


Dag 1: Tentena naar Ampana; bezoek Tanjung Api
Dag 2: Public speed boot naar Bomba, vrije middag
Dag 3: Bomba, vrij dag; namiddag neushoornvogels spotten
Dag 4: Lokale boot naar Malenge eiland met stops Bajo dorpen
Dag 5: Snorkelen, middag boswandeling naar vleermuisgrot
Dag 6: Lokale boot naar Kadidiri eiland met stops en snorkelen
Dag 7: Kadidiri, vrije dag
Dag 8: Public speed boot naar Ampana, transfer Poso of Luwuk
Dag 9: Transfer vliegveld

tour themes

  • beach
  • local life
  • birding
  • adventure
  • culture



    • Due to its proximity to the equator, the island is covered with lush tropical rainforests and has a stable warm climate. The beaches are pristine and white, but the real star of the Togian Islands is its underwater world. A beautiful coral and an abundance of animal species make it a must for divers and snorkelers.

    • Explore the glorious archipelago using local transport to make the most of the breathtaking scenery. You spend the night on different islands to see and experience as much as possible.

    • Although you can probably spend the whole day on the beach, snorkeling and diving, it is very interesting to see the local way of life. The 'Bajo' people are known as sea nomads who roam the crystal clear waters. Here they fish for their livelihood. You visit different villages and experience village life on the water and enjoy a typical Bajo lunch.

    • The Togean Islands are one of the best places to spot the endemic Sulawesi Ribbed Hornbill (the bird in the Tari Travel logo!) on Sulawesi. You sail to a village near a mangrove forest where the birds come in the afternoon to drink water. You climb a platform to almost level with the trees where the birds land, a beautiful sight! Before you see them you will first hear the heavy claps of the wings and the loud calling. From the platform you also have a beautiful view of the sunset.

    • A short, but hard walk takes you through the dense forest to an impressive bat cave. If you're lucky, you'll see babiroesa, snakes, large lizards or even tarsiers and Tonkean macaques in the forest!


"Lake Poso, de Bada vallei waren zeer mooi en bijzonder. De route met de 4 wheeldrive om in de Bada vallei te komen was erg indrukwekkend. Ook Simon de gids heeft het wel bijzonder gemaakt..."
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Pieter en Fleur I Zuid en Centraal Sulawesi