The True Origin of Kites

It’s incredible what we can find out about history through prehistoric drawings found on rocks and in caves. Sulawesi, one of the islands in Indonesia, has many fascinating paintings; some that are more than 40,000 years old. One particular drawing, found in a cave on Muna Island, shows a painting that is highly possible to be a man flying a kite. La Hada, the cave keeper, found the drawing in 1996. It was further recognized when a guy from Germany, called Wolfgang Bieck, came to Indonesia in 1997. He was told by Suarnadi Makuta, the leader of ‘Muna Traditional Kite Club’ that there was a cave painting of a kite on Muna Island. That is when Wolfgang became more intrigued about the true origin of the kite, as for years China had claimed its origin. read more